Hands-on Training Courses
Cyber Security Elevated
Hands-On Training Courses
Live, Online, or In-House
Stay frosty with our cutting-edge hands-on trainings courses:
AWS & Azure Exploitation: Making the Cloud Rain Shells!
AWS, Azure, & GCP Exploitation II: Boomeranging Lightning Bolts Back At The Cloud!
These fast-paced and hands-on courses teach each participant the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) needed to infiltrate and expand access within cloud platforms.
In-House Training
We provide these courses as in-house training for interested companies, organizations and/or groups. Our training was created to be applicable to:
Red Teamers & Penetration Testers
Blue Teamers & Security Professionals, who wish to see the offensive side
Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) & System Administrators, who work with cloud technologies
Please email us to get the conversation going about having our stellar in-house training services!
We plan to offer these training courses online before the end of 2019.
We offer these courses live at various BlackHat events.​
Here are some of the things people are saying about us...